Private Gynaecology Clinic
First-class healthcare to women of all ages throughout Surrey and Berkshire. Our team of highly experienced professionals provides compassionate expert healthcare, committed to providing personalised bespoke care. We offer confidential treatment and diagnostics through ultrasound and blood tests in a safe and comfortable environment. An appointment for gynaecology can be made in our West Byfleet, near Woking and Sunningdale, Ascot, near Windsor clinics.
Consultant Gynaecologist,
Miss Ravneet Sirha
Our gynaecology clinic offers a wide variety of services and diagnostics such as ultrasound and blood tests, to support women’s health. Initial consultations start from £250 and cover conditions including:
- fibroids
- bladder incontinence issues
- premenstrual syndrome
- low libido and sexual difficulties
- fertility issues
- vaginal atrophy and vulval conditions
- polycystic ovary syndrome
- endometriosis
- pelvic pain
- abnormal smear tests (advice provided but colposcopy not available)
- contraception
- HPV and STD’s
- menopause
- heavy or irregular menstrual bleeding
Procedures we offer
- Smear test
- Polyp removal
- Pessary insertion/ change
Bladder incontinence is a common but distressing condition thought to affect millions of women. There are a number of causes. It may happen when you laugh or cough (stress incontinence) or you may experience an intense urge to urinate (urge incontinence). Some people experience leakage when they can’t fully empty the bladder (overflow incontinence) whilst others may not be able to store urine at all (total incontinence).
Whatever your symptoms, our Consultant Miss Sirha, will take a history, explore what is causing the problem and come up with a personalised treatment plan to help you live life on your own terms again. Her comprehensive approach includes lifestyle changes, medications, physical therapy, pelvic floor exercises and other treatments tailored to your needs.
PCOS is a condition that affects how your ovaries work and is thought to be experienced by about 1 women in 10 in the UK. Women experiencing PCOS may have irregular periods, an overproduction of male hormones which can lead to excess hair on your face or body and enlarged ovaries which may contain fluid filled sacs around the eggs.
Whilst some women with the condition experience no symptoms others can have difficulty conceiving, have skin problems, excessive hair growth, thinning hair or weight gain. Treatments are available to help with the symptoms, again with care tailored around your personal needs.
There are a number of causes of pelvic pain so if you are concerned it is best to see a specialist for an accurate diagnosis. It could for example be period pain, an ovarian cyst or endometriosis. Miss Sirha will take a medical history, ask you questions about the type of pain you are experiencing and exactly where it hurts.
Once she has diagnosed the condition, she will make recommendations and provide suitable treatment. Seeing a specialist gynaecologist who has wide ranging experience in diagnosing patients with pelvic pain can lead to a faster and more accurate diagnosis and a quicker alleviation of your symptoms.
Endometriosis is a long-term condition that affects women of all ages where tissue normally found in the uterus grows in areas such as the pelvis and the fallopian tubes. It can be extremely painful and cause difficulties getting pregnant.
Symptoms can vary from patient to patient making a diagnosis more difficult which is why seeing a specialist gynaecologist can help you confirm an accurate diagnosis and then find a suitable treatment to manage your symptoms.
Heavy periods where you experience significant menstrual bleeding (menorrhagia) can have a significant impact on your quality of life. They can be caused by a wide variety of conditions, such as endometriosis, fibroids or polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). If you are concerned and your life is being adversely affected by heavy bleeding it is advisable to see a gynaecologist who may be able to help you.
There are a number of treatments available as well as tests that can be done to rule out other medical conditions such as iron deficiency anaemia. Miss Sirha will help you confirm a diagnosis and the right treatment options for you.
As you grow older your body produces less oestrogen, especially as you enter the menopause. This can lead to inflammation of the vaginal walls as they become thinner and drier. With this many women experience pain during sex or difficulties urinating.
This can be uncomfortable and distressing so seeing a gynaecologist is good practice as they are often able to help. One potential solution is using hormone replacement therapy HRT which can increase your oestrogen levels. Miss Sirha will advise you on what is most suitable in your particular case.
We have several women’s health packages offered by Miss Sirha, including:
New Patient Package – Consultation and TVUSS (Transvaginal ultrasound scan) – £400
Ovarian Cancer Screen –Consultation, BMI/BP/Urine, Pelvic examination, TVUSS, Blood tests (incl. Ca 125), Follow-up – £800
Early Pregnancy Package – Consultation, Medical and Gynae history, 2 x scans viability and pregnancy location, Weight/Urine/BP, Pregnancy advice and supports, Dietary advice, Screening/Travel/Employment advice, Pregnancy care and birth discussions. – £500
Other Services
Clinic Locations
Rapid access, convenient and quick appointments.
West Byfleet Health Centre
2nd Floor
Madeira Road
West Byfleet
Surrey KT14 6DH
01932 344004
Private GP Clinic, Sunningdale, (Opposite Fego’s)
3 Broomfield Hall Buildings
London Road
Berks SL5 0DP
01344 624020
Private GP Clinic
Stanton House (on one-way to Reigate Centre)
1 Castlefield Road
Surrey RH2 0SA
01737 238688